Olives and dew

Ok, ok, I know that my blog so far has not contained any pictures, but hey, thats all about to change.
This morning when walking the dogs in the campo (contryside red.) I was struck by how magic everything looks when the dew is lying heavy on the land.
The olives have now got my favourite colour. Not green, but not that almost black colour just yet either. Their waxy surface makes them look almost dusty and their deep purple colour is just amazing.
I have to admit that I didnt take this photo myself, but it shows the lovely colour.
What I dont want to show you is how muddy I got after taking my walk. It has been raining the last few days and the dogs where going mental running around playing and not minding the big puddles everywhere.
I bet all the readers in Nothern Europe and generally in colder and more wet areas are snickering now, happy to hear that we dont just have sun every day.
Well, we don't. But almost...he he